R.S. Fowler is honoured to provide a welcoming, Christ-centred learning community. Foundational to Catholic education is the idea that regardless of a person’s faith experiences, background, and culture, all children are individually unique and the school has a mission to help each student to fulfill their God-given potential in all aspects of their person: physically, academically, socially, morally and spiritually (from Council of Catholic School Superintendents of Alberta - “Life Framework”).
In our school, faith is more than a subject. It is an experience lived out, and shared in community.
Our children and school staff have the opportunity to learn about the practices and teachings of the Catholic faith; we seek to inform our young people in the faith and to help form them in the Christian life.
Our schools seek to foster the relationship between the home, the parish, and the school.
We enjoy the freedom and the benefit of prayer. In liturgical celebrations at school and in the church,
our students and staff express and celebrate their faith. -
We offer a holistic, faith-centered learning experience rooted in Gospel values, which is permeated by staff, reflected in our students, and displayed throughout our buildings.