Welcome to RSF's Library Learning Commons!

Click here to access the L4U library catalogue online:


The Richard S. Fowler Library Learning Commons is a vibrant, welcoming hub where fun things happen! Drop in to grab a book, work on homework, print off assignments or to check out one of our cool clubs. 

Philosophy / Mission Statement

To create a friendly, inclusive, learner-centered “Learning Commons” environment for collaboration, inquiry, imagination and play to expand and deepen learning; an environment which is relevant to the school’s faith-based community, which supports the curriculum and teaching staff and which enables students to achieve their full potential as active participants in our increasingly complex and technologically driven society.

The "Learning Commons" is a new concept for School Libraries. It represents a shift in thinking from a library as a physical space that is a repository of books where students access prior knowledge to a place of flexible and collaborative learning - an environment that encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, literacy and the ability to filter and apply knowledge.


Book Worm 

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     1. informal - a person devoted to reading.

     2. the larva of a wood-boring beetle that feeds on the paper and glue in books.



Check out these websites with great suggestions for choosing books to your liking and suggestions on some good reads.




Division Notice

Registration for transportation is open!

Please visit the Transportation website to learn more: https://www.gsacrd.ab.ca/transportation